
Creating Cultures of Care: The Caring City - DESIGNING CITIES FOR ALL

31 januari
Maandag 31 januari 2022
Soort: Online
Profielfoto van Femke Mathijssen
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Imagine living in a city that looks after its inhabitants, takes care of their surroundings, and enables people to care for themselves and others. What does such a city look like? How does it feel? In this series, we’re rethinking the city from a feminist and care perspective. Caring cities place people, health, safety, and collective wellbeing at the heart of decision making, emphasizing the value of paid and unpaid care work for all. Together with designers, researchers, artists, policymakers and activists we will uncover how we can (re)design cities, systems, spaces and human relationships to enable a culture of care grounded in values of compassion, empathy and equity for all.